more than
tea and scones

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Seriously, if anyone in Calgary wants to go on a trip, come to me! -Travel Agent Jen (feels good to be employed again!)

jenny at 6:46 AM


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Seriously, if anyone here in Calgary wants to go travelling TELL ME! I have the best travel agent to go I just got a postcard in the mail from her asking about my trip. When I was booking my flight she brought in photos from her trip through Europe and gave me awesome advice.

I agree with Jojo, we'll keep this blog open and continue posting.

Plans are in the works for next year's trips - a week or two in Amsterdam (that's definate!) and some time in Bejing and down southeast Asia (my cousin just moved to Bejing so there's an excuse to go!).

I'm trying to sell my mom on the idea of Greece...

jenny at 6:03 PM


I jumped from here -Porto, Portugal

jenny at 4:22 PM


It's really THAT blue!!! Split, Croatia

jenny at 4:15 PM


does water get any bluer than this?! -Split Croatia

jenny at 4:11 PM


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Alright Alright Already!

Ok, I know I should probably be flogged for not posting in...a really long time. I shall summarize my activities since my last post in a concise, bulleted chronological list...

Those are the highlights at least. And now I have a question for the readers out there...(I suppose I should ask Jen first, but...)

What do people think about keeping this blog open? Obviously, it wouldn't be entirely about traveling anymore, but I'm sure we can find enough to talk about to keep people entertained? Thoughts, everyone? I promise to drop the "today I did this, yesterday I did this" way of writing. Ordinarily, I'm much more entertaining.

And from the "Way too much information" area of my brain...

Ok, for the last 2 nights at work, every time I go to use the washroom, I get the "Full House" theme stuck in my head. Seriously, is that not the most creepy thing to happen? I mean, I was a fan in my day, but come on! To make it wierder, as soon as I leave the washroom, I totally forget about it. It's not like it's in my head while I work or anything. (Though the Tanners were a lot more functional than some of the familes I deal with every night.)

Anyway, drop a note to let us know if we should bother keeping up with the updating. Oh, and I'm gonna be working on adding a site meter, and changing some of the base-questions to be less travel-oriented. Enjoy!

Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada!
Wearing: PJ's
Day's Activities: Nothing, nothing, Dennys it up with Jen, nothing
Thing you miss: Being able to sleep in as long as I like most every day.

Jody at 1:40 AM
