more than
tea and scones

Monday, September 05, 2005

Why I hate Amsterdam

This place definatly wasn't created for those of us with short attention's plans originally involved an afternoon with Rembrandt, a trip to the CatBoat (to play with stray kittens) and an evening at Vondelpark. Instead I got here and realized that my first priority is shoes because I cannot walk in mine any more and since there is glass and spit all over the streets, I cannot go barefoot like at the hostel. So before the shoe shopping I had to hit a bank...I was rejected for all divedends of cash except the I had 20 euros for the day to spend on shoes and get me into the museum. Thankfully I'm quite thrifty so I bought some shoes for 10euros! As a reward for my thriftiness I used my visa to buy a skirt (I need a job ASAP!) . So I had 10euros left to spend and my intended museum is 9 euros.

I never actually made it to my intended museum and missed my date with Rembrandt (he'll have to wait a couple days). Instead, the neon signs, loud music and flashy colors distracted me and I ended up blowing my budget on sushi and a trip to the Hemp Museum.

The Hemp Museum was informative, however the information was heavily skewed. Apparently pot usage dates back to Jesus, and his preachings on the wonders of pot can be found throughout the bible (see, slightly skewed!)! Queen Victoria was keen on the stuff as was George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. My favorite thing was the health chart that said 'smoking pot is wonderful for the lungs, really helps out those asthamtics' (...ahem...SKEWED!)
Wearing: NEW SHOES (and lots of band-aids!)...and misc. clothing that doesn't match but even that wont keep away the males (one actually begged to let me let him take me for a drink, I'll never say no to free food so I let him buy me a cola then I made a dash saying I had to make it to the museum)
Day's Activities: be thrifty!
Thing you miss: I like how the subzero temperatures keep our canadian whores fully clothed...unlike these Amsterdam prostitutes....ew ew ew!
er...I'm not sure how art-savvy the readers are but in the post I'm refering to Rembrandt the old dead artist...not some new love

jenny at 2:11 PM



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