more than
tea and scones
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Still in Amsterdam
Its lovely here. The Netherlands is one place I would love to live...I think it tops the list. Everyone here is so liberal, friendly and sweet (bonus: they're all blonde like me so I dont attract excessive attention...they think Im one of them!) Im also a big fan of the language...for example, right up the road there is this sign saying "slagboom sluit"...it makes me giggle because the first time I saw it I misread it.-------------------------------
Location: Lucky lake
Wearing: Vintage (NEWISH!) shirt over my cleanish pants (no socks...they're being washed)
Day's Activities: laundry, play at lake, find grocery store, discover that the grocery store has been raided and only carries citronella candles, expired milk, Heinekin and some boxed/canned crap, wimper over lack of groceries
Thing you miss: going to my washroom and finding only MY hair on MY sink (and not someones long black icky hairballs)
jenny at 5:25 PM
- at 2:49 AM said...
I really liked the one that was the other way up the road. (Though I can't remember what it said at this moment) I thought everything sounded like the names in an Ikea catalogue.
Oh, BTW, I just got back to Calgary. I'll probably update later tonight, I when I finally get back to MY OWN BED *cue the halleluja chorus in the background*