more than
tea and scones

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Pukkelpop Update

so I survived 4 nights of rain, "mizzle", sun and freezing temperatures, but the concert was totally worth it. Dropkick Murphys just rocked, the moshpit was so killer. However, nothing beat Bad Religion's moshpit, some guy totally busted up his nose and was spewing blood everywhere, then this other guy bit down on his tongue ring and ripped open his tongue, it looked mighty painful. There was plenty of blood lost in that pit. I escaped unharmed and covered in beer and teenageboy sweat -ugh.

The majority of the crowd was your little sixteen year old teenage boy, and dear god, do sixteen year old boys stink. They sweat and fart and after 4 days with no showers, the moshpits began to just smell terrible.

My personal highlight of the festival was seeing Marilyn Manson's lacy black that is one sexy man! Manson is the only man who can wear a skirt slit up to his crotch and lacy knickers and still be more of a man than those teenage punks I shared the moshpit with. Im just blown away by Manson, that show should keep me content for a while.

The nights were cold at Pukkelpop and we were tenting it. My nighttime "pajamas" were 2 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of socks, 1 tanktop, 1 t shirt, 1 long sleeve shirt, my fleece jacket and my pashmina worn over my head and wrapped around me like a scarf. If only I had mittens...

So Im in Amsterdam...this shall be home for the next 2 weeks of my life...
Location: Lucky Lake campground -Amsterdam
Wearing: my pajama pants, my "white" jacket (ha, its more like a brownish color, there is beer on the sleeves accompanying my port wine stains. There is some blackish stuff from the metal fencing surrounding the moshpits...that metal fencing is responsible for half my bruises...and I still have the stain from the ol' days at Rona)
Day's Activities: wake up, take train from Kiewit to Amsterdam, watch movies, SHOWER
Thing you miss: socks...tomorrow I will find a dollar store (or Salvation Army) and get myself 2 more pairs of current inventory is 4 socks, only 2 of which make a pair...I dont know where all my socks went. I blame the laundry lady at Granada, I gave them my bag of laundry and I think the lady stole my socks and gave me someones thong -how awkward was THAT to go through my laundry and find some tattered thong...shudder

jenny at 6:45 PM



at 6:43 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, the nights were freezing there. It didn't help that neither of us really thought to invest in a sleeping bag, so we only had our sleep sheets (bedsheets fashioned into a sleeping bag) to keep warm. My personal nightime style included 2 pairs of socks, cotton capris, long sleeved shirt, short sleeved shirt, evening dress (it was long and covered the small of my back, which kept getting cold) sleeveless shirt, jacket, sleeping sheets, skirt OVER the sleep sheets, and my pashmina wrapped around my shoulders/neck. Like I said, it was cold.


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