more than
tea and scones
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Hello to all our million and one new readers! (Yea, Jen, I kinda gave the blog address to a few relatives here) It's so hard to think of what to write, now that I'm writing for friends, family, and random strangers that somehow find this page. Anyway...Norway is amaising! I SO wish I could post the pictures from the dinner on Thursday night. Like I said earlier, I had no idea I had 30 relatives in total in the world, let alone that many in the same area in Norway. But it was so totally shocking and overwhelming and amaising to meet so many people. I was pretty proud of myself for remembering most of the people that came over in 1999, and remembering...some of the names that I was introduced to. (I feel bad, but I honestly can't say I'll remember them all) Don't worry mom and dad, I took lots of pictures. (And if anyone else has any from the party, I would love to get them emailed to me (shiloh_jo@hotmail.com) just to prove that I'm not lying when I get home! (And as a side note, something downstairs smells delicious! I feel like such a pig, since all I do while I've been here has been eat and drink coffee. I feel like the queen or something!)
Lets see...Thursday we visited a really old wooden church (the Stave church in Ulnes? I'm never going to be able to spell things properly here) and went to the dinner. I have no idea how to describe that dinner. I don't think I've ever been so shocked in my life. Everyone was so nice and friendly. I really can not believe that so many people would come say hello to me! Me, who's been eating bread out of a paper bag for the last month. Wow!
On Friday I went with my aunt and my cousin Susanna (I'm sure I spelt that wrong) to a small local town famous for their used book sale. After picking up a few books there, we went for a drive down to a lake made by the glaciers that are melting nearby. (It honestly wasn't as cold as it sounds. It was well above freezing) We then went to the glacier museum, which was pretty interesting, since I knew basically nothing about them. It's must be so neat having the mountains all around you, and glaciers just minutes down the road. Calgary gets some of that, but not nearly on the same level as everyone here does. After the museum, we all went back to my other aunt's house, and had an amaising family dinner (this time with only 12 people. Much easier to take in) I have so many awesome ideas for dinners that I've picked up in Norway. Between staying in Oslo and staying in Sogndal, the dinners I've had here are ten times better than anything I was eating at home before I left. And yes Kim, I took a picture of Karolina for you, and passed along what I think is your email address.
Anyway, this post is already 9 miles long, and I haven't posted a funny story in ages, so I'm gonna stop typing and save the rest of the babbling for my journal. I could write pages.
Location: Sogndal, Norway
Wearing: non-ripped skirt, black halter, striped shirt, black jacket
Day's Activities: walked around Sogndal, visited a bunch of various relatives.
Thing you miss: My book case back home. I got this totally sudden urge today to gut it, clean it, and re-file everything. Anyone up for a 'welcome back' party at my place??
Jody at 9:02 PM
- at 2:31 AM said...
Oh Jody, you have WAY more readers than you think. Anyone who comes to the door, mom gives them the address to your site. Bring me back chocolate...from norway. Say hi to alll the relatives there for us and that we miss them. After hearing/reading about what a great time your having there..im SO going next year. BYE!!
PS- i dident get the picture, but no rush.- at 5:22 PM said...
More awesome than a shower and clean clothes? I think not! Seriously, it doesn't take much to please me after 23 hours on a train.
- at 5:23 PM said...
Oh, and Kim, I gave Karolina your email address (I think. I wasn't entirely sure I remembered it correctly) I have hers as well for you. And I guess with all the readers, I should start censoring my swearing? Bah. Maybe not?