more than
tea and scones
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Lord of the Fjorde
Hey all!This is a 'Just to let you know where I am' post, so no fun stories that I can think of at the moment.
I made the trip today from Oslo to Sogndal (small town on the West coast that contains more people with my last name than there are in the entire contenent of North America). It was a whirlwind of train/train/bus/ferrie, but I finally met my aunt earlier this evening. We had grilled cheese and pancakes at 9pm. I love Norway!
Tomorrow we tentatively planned a nice day of hiking/looking at old things/hanging out. The evening though, has me slightly overwhelmed.
Somehow the word got out that I was in town, and now there's a bit of a party with *30* of my closest norweigen relatives getting together for dinner. I didn't even know I HAD 30 relatives, let alone Norweigen ones. But I'm really looking forward to it. I'm going through a bit of a backpacking crisis though, since I have no idea what to wear. My wardrobe is limited to muddy jeans, a ripped skirt, a golf shirt with a hole in it, and a slightly stinky sweater. Oh, and a shirt proving that I've been on a "fat tire bike tour" through Berlin. (not really what I want my relatives to remember about me for the rest of their lives) I shall scrape together something though. I'm the most spoiled backpacker ever!
Location: Sogndal, Norway
Wearing: ripped skirt (I have a great idea for a patch for it. How does a picture of knitting needles and a ball of yarn sound, with the slogan "Weapons of mass Construction" sound? The thought hit me earlier today, and made me giggle.) Green shirt with hole, black jacket
Day's Activities: took angry train/ packed train full of children/late bus/freezing windy ferrie to get here, then ate pancakes and grilled cheese. And looked at pictures.
Thing you miss: Hmm. Michaels craft store. I have some awesomely creative ideas today, but nothing I can actually do at the moment.
Jody at 10:16 PM
- at 7:14 PM said...
Hi Jen
Thanks for the mention in your last comments page. We miss you and so do Rebecca and Antony. She started schoold last Thursday and Antony started nursery on Monday. Both doing well. Rebecca is still enjoying her drawings.My hours have changed and it is much better now, more daytime.I don't want to take up too much of your time so again we wish you all the best and keep on enjoying yourself.
Lots of love from everyone.
Pat and Margaret (The Scottish parents)xxxxx