more than
tea and scones

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

"And now, the end is near..."

"...and so I face, the final curtain..." (Bonus points to anyone who knows the song that I just mangled)

Well, today is my second-to-last day in Europe, and it's officially time to start getting nostalgic. I'll save all the sappy reminicing and heartfelt thankyous for another time, and just

I can't believe I did it. I can't believe the dayI waited for so long, that I would leave and start my trip and finally explore, has come and gone. I've gone through nearly two months of highs and lows, and learned SO MUCH about the rest of the world that I only read about.

A few weeks ago, I was talking with someone who said that, the whole time they were growing up, they always thought of Europe as being magical. So much of what you learn in school is based here, that you expect it to have an entirly different way of life, so dramatically different that it blows you away. And I can honestly say that I've seen things that certainly have blown me away. But I've also seen that a lot of europe is just like home. The Alps in Switzerland look a lot like the Rockies. I can get lost as easily in Amsterdam as I can in Vancouver. People in clubs here are dancing to the same crap that people at home are dancing to. Not saying I ever regret coming, mind you. Quite the opposite. Getting to see everything, and be able to picture Denmark while I read Hamlet, or Norway when I look at family photos is such an amaising thing that I'll always treasure.

Wow, ok, moving on from the sappy stuff now...

On second thought, I'll just make up another post. See above!
Location: Smelly internet cafe in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wearing: Dirty jeans, dirty shirt (dear god mom, please bring clean clothes to Vancouver!)
Day's Activities: See above post
Thing you miss: Clean clothes

Jody at 7:44 PM



at 5:09 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

so Jojo...
WE MISS YOU!! Me (Tori) and Kendra (sitting to my left) miss you lots! im in Calgary right now staying in Kenny's 5th wheel... FUN! hahaha anyway we'll see you when u hit Victoria...byes!
ps... i hope u dont smell @ the wedding!(Kenny)
Tori and Kendra!

at 2:59 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you guys! Only 1 more day! And I'll have you know, it's not ME that stinks anymore, it's just my clothes. Some day you two will understand the importance of a washer and dryer!


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