more than
tea and scones
Friday, August 12, 2005
Africa to Belgium
I had enough of Africa. However, there is never a dull moment in Africa, there was quite the excitement at the bus station. First off, this delirous man walked into the cafe and started arguing with the shopkeeper, then threw himself backwards into a wall and blacked out. Then he came to and started having a siezure and blacked out. Then he came to and started picking fights with everyone then he blacked out. Then he came back and started seizing again and screaming for the police. Then he blacked out. He came to and started fighting with the shopkeeper again and threw himself back into the wall and then laid on the ground screaming (there was blood pooling on the back of his baseball bat...I assume he really hurt his head...but no one did anything). Eventually, he was dragged out of the station by a group of people. See, if this happened in North America, there would be guns, police intervention and some good samaritans helping this man. In Africa, everyone just kind of watches...this happened on a sunday and the police dont work sundays...Shortly after the delirious man episode, these two ladies enter the adjacent cafe and start screaming at that shopkeeper. One of the ladies is holding a baby and the other one picks up a chair and starts hurling it at the shopkeeper (a la jerry springer). The lady with her baby is quite enraged at the shopkeeper so she starts using her child as a battering ram and attacking the shopkeeper. All this happens in Arabic so we had no clue what was going on. All this excitement occured over the course of 1.5 hours.
Holy culture shock, I was traveling with these two other girls through Morocco and we went to the beach. We show up in full dress, shoulders and knees covered, then we strip down to swimsuits. I wasnt wearing a string bikini, but one of those tankini things and the ladies at the beach just glared at us as though we were prostitutes. Women there dont go to the beach, and if they do take their children to the beach, they dont strip down to swimsuits. It was definately an experience.
Anyways, so I escaped Africa, spent 1 day back in Granada and now Im headed to Brussels. Im trapped in Madrid for 7 hours, then Im headed to Paris. Halfway to paris i have to change trains in Hendaya. Im not sure where Hendaya is, but apparently all the trains out of it are booked so I may be trapped there for a while...
Location: Madrid
Wearing: doesnt matter...everything I own is dirty, torn, stinky and stained. However, I am wearing running shoes and a bandage on my foot because my flip flops caused a nasty blister last week but I kept wearing them and reblistering my foot. So Ive had this open wound for a week and its kind of infected...
Day's Activities: Sleep on train...watch Agent Cody Banks movie -originally english, dubbed in Spanish with french subtitles.
Thing you miss: hygene
jenny at 2:25 PM
- at 3:05 PM jenny said...
jojo, the lady working the internet place is still a bitch, things havent changed a bit. she just yelled at someone "hey, I know you speak english, what DO YOU WANT!!" She yelled at me too...
- at 3:05 PM jenny said...
the internet place in the Madrid trainstation...just to be specific.
- at 5:57 PM said...
Gah, I can't believe her. The nerve of her, to yell at me for wanting her to do her job! Bah.