more than
tea and scones

Monday, July 11, 2005

Our night in Bologna

So post-Rome Jojo and I planned on headed left (or west) and over to Portugal for some sun. Bologna sounds yummy, plus it was the Bolognians that presented the world with tortillini and ravioli. They also have some knock off on Pisas leaning tower. Anyways after chilling on a train to Bologna, we arrive just before 9pm...first goal is to find the info center. So we arrive in this glass chamber with a desk in the back and a glass room surrounding that. There were about 6 of us crammed into the tiny waiting room (backpacks and all), this lady was infront of us and she was in the glass room with the tiny italian man. All of a sudden all the lights go out, and the automatic doors trap us in. The poor lady in the glass enclosure was trapped. The tiny italian races out from behind the desk, locks the sliding automatic doors, runs back to some back office leaving everyone stranded. None of us in the waiting room spoke the same language (what are the odds of that?!). We were all asking our equivalent of "what the ßuck?!" I thought it was some sort of power outage and we were trapped in here...or there was some emergency. The poor lady trapped in the glass enclosure was looking around frantically for a way out. It was quite scary. Then the little italian resurfaces and unlocks the side door for us and shoves us out of the room screaming "closed!"
...sigh, if only we could do that at work...
Location: Müncher
Wearing: same old...but the pants now have some black sticky stain upon the ass and my shirt has a wine stain from drinking at the collusium
Day's Activities: random walking
Thing you miss: free internet

jenny at 1:13 PM



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