more than
tea and scones
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Nice is nice
so we are back on track and Portugal bound...we are in Nice and my god, the french have really managed to ruin the keyboard. There are all these extra signs (!$£¤*µùçà°), its all really quite peculiar. Curse the french and their backwards ways....AIR RAID!!! gotta go....seriously not kidding-------------------------------
Location: nice Nice in France
Wearing: same same
Day's Activities: train train train
Thing you miss: people not setting fireworks off inside buildings
jenny at 5:25 PM
- at 9:18 PM said...
so the air raid was actually just someone setting off fireworks inside the internet cafe...dont fret jen
- at 9:19 PM said...
ack! Im not anonymous, Im just a dumbass...anyways, the other post from anon. was just from me... me being jennifer
- at 9:19 PM said...
So much for actually going to Portugal!