more than
tea and scones
Friday, July 22, 2005
I jumped off a BRIDGE!
So yesterday, after watching all these kids jump off the bridge and laughing at how stupid they were, I became inspired and last night I realized that I am going to join the stupids and JUMP! Its not just a tiny leap though...this is a big big bridge - http://kinkodev.free.fr/register/cp/cp_portugal2.jpg . Yea, see that bottom beam with all the cars on it...I stood there (in my knickers) and jumped! It was just me, Ashley (this awesome American girl) and these two Canadian guys, and we all jumped. Unfortunately, I havent perfected the art of landing and now the back of my thighs are bright red and I am really having trouble sitting down...my dear tailbone is hurtin. Also, for all you potential bridge jumpers, dont wear those boyshort underwear...they can induce a lot of pain...-------------------------------
Location: Porto Portugal, en route to Coimbra
Wearing: the usual, but damp
Day's Activities: breakfast, jumping off a giant bridge, post jump beer...In an hour Ill be on a train to Coimbra, Portugal
Thing you miss: wow...nothing today, Im still on my adrenaline high
jenny at 3:44 PM