more than
tea and scones
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Here I am at Camp Granada!
Jen the explorer discovered QUICKSAND! As it turns out, when you combine a river with some very soft silty sand, you create quicksand. I just about lost my travel partner to the quicksand! You think Im kidding, but Im really not, he was seriously up to his hips in this quicksand before he made this heroic dive to the shore. All the while, I just kind of watched, I mean we are in the middle of nowhere, hours away from the nearest city and Im wearing my last clean skirt and there is no way that I will risk my last skirt! Had he of sunk any further, my plan was to take the plastic waterbottle, burn a hole in the bottom and have him breathe through that, and when he finally requested that I end it all for him, Id pour a bunch of sand into the bottle and become Jen the Murderer.Then came the stinging nettle. It deserves that name.
They have gypsies here, but not the magic carpet chanting gypsies...these gypsies 'sell' rosemary. By sell, I mean that they will chase you screaming and thrash the bundle of rosemary into your hand then accuse you of stealing it if you dont immediately throw it back at them...There is a trick to handeling gypsies, you must convince them that you are crazier than them or give them a gypsie curse.
I went kayaking and discovered silver mud. It really was silver and sparkely, Im serious.
Location: Granada
Wearing: CLEAN shirt, quicksanded skirt, swimsuit (the dryer is broken so my bra is still quite damp so I had to resort to wearing the swimtop)
Day's Activities: breakfast, discuss lastnight's mishap with the 'nutter' who broke into the hostel and managed to steal some dirty knickers and a cellphone
Thing you miss: clothing
jenny at 8:32 AM