more than
tea and scones

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Only in Glasgow...

Where else can you find a semi attempting a U-ie in the middle of a bridge during AM rushour? Don't worry, traffic wasn't affected by this, the bus driver just sped up and honked his horn...

I went to the art museum and wandered around downtown Glasgow. I fed a pigeon while I was enjoying my lunch, word got around that I had food and soon I was swarmed by a flock of 50 pigeons...they kept coming closer to my feet and head and wouldn't go away. Oh, I must return here with money and an extra backpack, all the clothing is so beautiful and the shoes! Oh, the shoes are so different than our drab Canadian shoes. These shoes have sparkles, sequins and come in every style imaginable. People here just wear whatever they want and they all look like they just stepped off the runway.

Tomorrow: Edinburgh

jenny at 6:47 PM



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