more than
tea and scones
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
4 Stars?!! my arse!!
So 4 star, award winning, 9th best in the world hostel really doesn't mean anything (holy run on sentenceing). There are no doors on the shower stall, only a curtain on the shower...meaning, you have to be sneaky and reach across the stall to grab your clothes from the hook with out exposing anything. Since your towel is the size of a teatowel, walking around wrapped in it really isn't an option. However, atleast the showers aren't co-ed...like Edinburgh. I just can't get used to seeing guys walk out of the shower wearing only towels.London is nice, very crowded however, much to see. I saw the usual, Buckingham, Trafalger, National Gallery, London Eye, Parliament buildings, London Tower and St. Johns park. I took the tour of London Tower...very interesting...the dungeon was kind of creepy, however too toned down for my likings. I know damned well there was more to torture than the 'Rack' and 'Shopkeeper's Daughter' but they totally toned things down to make it good for the family. I was looking foward to tales of stoning people, and pouring honey on them and leaving them to be eaten by ants...no, I was disapointed there.
Off to France I go! -as soon as I figure out how to cross the Channel...cheaply, not swimming.
Location: London, England
Wearing: same old...my new *fav outfit! I call it the hobo look...too big capris, chunky skate shoes, long shirt and a shorter shirt (layers!). Bonus: the long undershirt is long enough to cover the fact that my pants are so big that my bum hangs out when I sit!
Day's Activities: Everywhere from the Tower of London to Picadilly Circus!
Thing you miss: My own bed...and my own shower
jenny at 9:20 PM